In order to travel from San Pedro de Atacama to Uyuni you must go to the bus terminal located on Avenida Tumisa. The buses leave every day at 3:00am and 9:45am, and they arrive at 3:00pm and 8:00pm in Uyuni on Avenida Cabrera.
distance between the cities of San Pedro de Atacama, in Chile, and Uyuni in
Bolivia, is 520 km and the trip by bus between these cities takes around 12
hours. The trip is very popular among travelers who want to visit the Uyuni
Salt Flat, the largest salt flat in the world and who are coming from Chile.
Tickets Bolivia is the first
Bolivian company selling online bus and train tickets between national and
international destinations with the most comfortable and affordable bus and
train companies. If you want to buy online tickets contact us and we will offer
different alternatives to help you with your journey.