Tickets Bolivia

up-to-date schedule
Feb 12th, 2025


Buy bus tickets for the route Sucre to Uyuni and find out all the options available to complete this trip. Discover the route from Sucre to Uyuni with direct buses. Compare prices and see the offers we have available for this route with extra information about destinations to continue your trip from Uyuni.

  • Direct trip

    There are direct buses from Sucre to Uyuni. The trip takes 8 hours and the bus leaves from the bus terminal on Avenida Ostria Gutierrez. Buses leave at 21:00hrs from the terminal. The companies that make this service are: 6 de Octubre and Autobuses Emperador in sleeper buses.

  • Trip with stopover

    The trip to Uyuni passes through the city of Potosi, a beautiful colonial city full of history just three hours from Sucre. You can take the opportunity to discover this city before continuing your trip to Uyuni. The bus companies that offer the trip to Potosí are: Trans Emperador and Transtin Dil Rey.

  • Continue your trip

    Travelers have the opportunity to embark on various destinations from Uyuni: The city of Oruro, with its vibrant Carnaval celebrations and colonial architecture. Sucre, Bolivia's constitutional capital, invites visitors to explore its well-preserved colonial center and immerse themselves in its rich history. Potosí, renowned for its silver mines and UNESCO-listed historic center. And the Chilean town of Calama, nestled in the picturesque Atacama Desert, offers a gateway to awe-inspiring landscap

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Bus Company Departure Arrival Type of bus Price from  
Exp. 11 de Julio 20:30 PM 04:30 AM Lie-flat bus $us 15
Autobuses Emperador 22:00 PM 06:00 AM Lie-flat bus $us 15
6 de Octubre 21:00 PM 05:00 AM Lie-flat bus $us 12


Constantly updated schedules and prices


Friendly and efficient customer service


Since 2013 processing hundreds of trips per day


Most prestigious bus companies of the market
  • Trip duration: 8 hours
  • Distance: 359.0km
  • Price range: from $12 USD to $15 USD
    • Departure bus stop in Sucre
      Ostria Gutierrez Avenue
    • Arrival bus terminal in Uyuni
      Arce Avenue (between Cabrera and Peru),158. Cabrera st.,Avaroa St. and Tomas Frias

what our clients say

Thank you very much for your reply and help canceling the ticket. Wish you a great beginning of the week! - Xiaoyun


How long does the trip Sucre to Uyuni take?
The direct trip can take 8 hours.

Are there day buses from Sucre to Uyuni?
Not if you take a direct bus. But if you choose to travel through Potosi, you can make the trip by day.

Is the road paved?
Yes, the road is paved.

What services do the bus companies provide?
The lie-flat buses have seats that recline to 160 degrees. The buses offer entertainment, WC and air conditioning.

Is there a pickup/drop off option?
Not for this route. All buses leave from and arrive at the determined bus terminals.

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