At a 655 km distance from Oruro is the little town of Villazon. The train trip takes around 13 hours and during the journey there will be a few short stops at Uyuni, Atocha and Tupiza. Villazon is near the Argentinian border, characterized for being a “town to pass by” with an intense commercial activity from Argentina to Bolivia. Here you must do your border crossing and migration.
To travel from Oruro to Villazon by train or bus you must go to the train station at Velasco Galvarro and Aldana Avenue. There are two train companies offering this service: Wara Wara del Sur and Expreso del Sur. Wara Wara del Sur leaves on Wednesday and Friday, and Expreso del Sur leaves Tuesday and Friday.
Tickets Bolivia is the first Bolivian company selling online tickets from Oruro to Villazon with the most comfortable train companies. If you want to buy online tickets contact us and we will offer different alternatives to help you with your journey.