Bus Company | Departure | Arrival | Type of bus | Price from | |
Vicuna Travel | 13:30 PM | 17:30 PM | Semi lie-flat bus | $us 5 | |
Trans Titicaca | 13:30 PM | 17:30 PM | Semi lie-flat bus | $us 6 | |
Manco Kapac | 18:00 PM | 22:00 PM | Normal bus | $us 5 |
How long does the trip take?
The trip from Copacabana to La Paz is about 4 hours.
Are there night buses from Copacabana to La Paz?
No. Buses leave during the day because the Tiquina Strait closes at 18:30
Is the road paved?
Yes, the entire route is paved.
What services do the bus companies provide?
Normal buses have seats that recline 140 degrees. Tourist buses have more comfortable seats and air conditioning. The cost of the tickets includes the cost of ferry for crossing the Tiquina Strait.
Is there a pickup/drop off option?
The tourist bus can pick you up from your hotel, and drop you off in a hotel in downtown La Paz, as well.