To travel from Oruro to Puno by bus, you need to divide the trip in two parts, as the direct route is not yet available. The best way to make the trip is to go first from Oruro to La Paz, and then from La Paz to Puno.
Oruro is located at 224 km from the city of La Paz, and the trip takes around 3 hours. The buses leave practically every 30 minutes from the bus terminal, located on Circumvalación Av. Before boarding the bus you need to pay a small fee called "uso de terminal", which costs 2 Bolivianos per passenger. The buses arrive in La Paz at the bus station, which is located on Peru Av. From there, you can continue the trip to Puno.
The distance between Puno and La Paz is 255 km. It is a short trip by bus, no more than 6 hours in comfortable buses that cross the border either in Kasani or Desaguadero. The buses arrive in Puno at the bus terminal, located on Primero de Mayo St., # 703.
Tickets Bolivia is the first Bolivian company selling online tickets from Oruro to Puno with the most confortable bus companies and the safest online payment platforms.